From Handwritten Information in the

              Bible of William Irvine Lewis, who Fell Martyr

                           to the Cause at the Alamo

Transcribed by Lynn Spellman, February, 2005


William Irvine Lewis Presented to him by his worthy Grandfather, W.   Lewis on his death bed Nov.    1811(?)


Early in the morning 1756

John Lewis, born the 25th August 1758, one o'clock in the morning.

Thomas Lewis, born 6th November about Eleven o'clock, 1763.

Alex. Lewis, Born Wednesday 19th October about Ten o'clock, 1768.

Wm. Lewis Born Thursday about nine o'clock 8th July 1769.

Agatha Lewis Born Friday 15th April  twelve o'clock  177(?)

Elizabeth Montgomery Lewis Sabbath morning about ten o'clock  (?) day of month 177 ?

Charlese W. Lewis, born in day about 10 o'clock Feb.    177?

William Irvine Lewis (son of C.W. Lewis) born about ½ after ten o'clock at night 24th June, 1800.

Thomas Alexander Lewis born 1st June 1808.

Ann Callendy (?)-- Lewis born 17th April. (year?)

6th August 1790 (?) –(Ann?)-- Lewis –died today about 11 o’clock.


Agnes Elizabeth  Dunant (?) Lewis born August 24th.

Mary –N.-- Irvine Lewis born July 14th 1812.

Charles Lewis born on  Monday about 10 o'clock  (illegible)

William Lewis, father of the above children was born the 17th day of November 1724.

Ann Lewis, the mother was born the 1st day of September 1737.

Next page---

Charles Henry Watkins Lewis born April 27th 1816.

Armstrong Irvine Lewis born September 8th 1818.

Callendor(?) Irvine Lewis born November 11th 182?.


Charles Henry Watkins Lewis died October 14 1817.

Father of the above --- children Charles W. Lewis died 20th of March 1827.

William Irvine Lewis fell a Martyr in the cause of liberty at the Alamo of –(Bitar?)(Bixar?)—Texas on Sunday morning March 6th 1836.

Note by Lynn Spellman some of the writing was illegible due to copy machine setting and/or age of original document.

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