Mrs. Harry Gentry Speaker


Old Sweet Springs Program Topic For Area DAR Members


PETERSTOWN (RNS) "Famous Health Seekers at Old Sweet Springs" was the subject Mrs. Harry Gentry used for the program of the Peter's Mountain Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

She said Sweet Springs is the oldest, most permanent and most interesting of the watering places in Monroe County. Following the American Revolution, William Lewis began to develop Sweet Springs as a health resort. It originally was designed to be the home of the cir­cuit court and a courthouse and jail were built in 1795. The court was re­moved and Old Sweet Springs became a well known summer resort. The waters of the mineral springs were recognized as healing to digestive complaints and debility, Mrs. Gentry said.

George Washington, Franklin Pierce and Millard Filmore were guests at the springs. Henry A. Wise was a frequent visitor and it is said to be the spot where Jerome Bonaparte wooed and won Eli­zabeth Patterson, the American wife whom his despotic brother forced him to put away. In 1945 it was sold and be­came the Andrew S. Rowan Home for the elderly, Mrs. Gentrv said.

Mrs. Gentry was introduced by Re­gent Mrs. James White who opened the meeting with the DAR ritual, assisted by Mrs. Katherine Carr, chaplain.

    The president general's message gi­ven by Mrs. Oscar Spangler related that February is American History Month and was first adopted in 1952 through the efforts of the daughters of Ken­tucky.

DR. MERYLEEN B. Smith reported she had made spot announcements on radio station, WNRW, Narrows and Pearisburg, for American History Month.

The quilt square requested from each chapter to be put into a quilt from West Virginia was designed by Mrs. James White. It featured applique and em­broidery of Peter's Mountain and val­ley, with grass and trees. The handwork was done by Mrs. Oscar Spangler.

The chapter's entry in the national logo contest to depict energy conserva­tion incorporating the principles of DAR was a sketch in pen and ink done by Mrs. James White; A committee of Mrs. Katherine Carr, Mrs. B.A. Long and Mrs. C.L. Spangler was appointed to select a caption for the sketch.

Mrs. White made the following an­nouncements: Southern District meet­ing will be at Fort Savannah Inn in Lewisburg June 20; Jackson's Mill meeting, July 18 and 19, and the state conference at Sheraton Inn in Bluefield, Oct. 29, 30 and 31. .

Attending were Mrs. Gentry, Mrs. White, Mrs. Oscar Spangler, Mrs. C.L. Spangler, Dr. Meryleen B. Smith, Mrs. Katherine Carr, Mrs. B.A. Long and .Mrs. Carmen_Isola..March 5, 1981.
