Lynnside Events, 15 August 2014

The St. John's Chapel was opened this day to celebrate the Mass of the Feast of the Assumption. That event was preceded a group of six visitors driving up the hill behind the Lynnside house to visit the cemeteries at the top of the hill.

Here's the Press Release that described the Mass followed by some pictures taken that day.

"The last resident pastor of the Catholic Churches of Monroe County will be officiating at the special Mass of the Feast of the Assumption at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 15, at the historic St. John, the Evangelist, Catholic Church, Sweet Springs. Father Harry Winter, OMI, current pastor of St. Casimer's Catholic Church, St. Paul, Minnesota, is scheduled to visit the oldest Catholic Church in West Virginia on its 155th anniversary. The special Mass of the Assumption will be co-celebrated with Father James Conyers of the Catholic Churches of the Greenbrier Valley and current chaplain for the Alleghany Highlands Council 8689 Knights of Columbus. Other priests are welcome to join in the celebration of the feast. The church is located at the intersection of W.Va. 3 and Virginia/W.Va. 311, just one mile from the Virginia border. Music for the Mass will be provided by the Hymns and Hers, the choir of St. Catherine of Siena, Ronceverte. An ice cream social will be held on the grounds following the special Mass."

Marian and Dave Novak at the top of the cemetery hill. View looking down toward the Lynnside House. Click image for full size picture. The Lynnside house viewed from the cemetery. Click image for full size picture.  Left to right, Hank Richter, Marian Novak, Father Harry Winter, Father Jim Conyers, and Dave Novak at the front gate of the cemetery. Click image for full size picture.
Left to right, Hank Richter, JG, Father Harry Winter, and Father Jim Conyers at the front gate of the cemetery. Picture courtesy of Marian Novak (thanks!). Click image for full size picture.
General view of the cemeteries looking roughly west. The dividing line between the secular and Catholic cemeteries runs behind the crosses and perpendicular to the line of sight of the camera. The grave slabs of Letitia and the Governor are approximately 5 yards inside the secular cemetery near the center of this view.  Click image for full size picture. Grave slab of Letitia Preston Floyd click. Click image for full size picture. Grave slab of Governor John Floyd click. Click image for full size picture. Grave slabs of Letitia Preston Floyd and Governor John Floyd click. Click image for full size picture.
JG and Father Harry Winter in the Lewis family cemetery. Prominent fairy mushroom rings were in evidence in this part of the cemetery during the visit. Picture courtesy of Marian Novak (thanks!). Click image for full size picture. Catholic lay leader Mike Williams remarked from the front before the Mass commenced that there were  a "record-breaking number" of six Priests in attend- ance. Picture courtesy of Sue Richter (thanks!). Click image for full size picture. Two Knights of Columbus. Click image for full size picture. Father Jim Conyers speaking to a Friar from Hinton, West Virginia, in front of the St. John's Chapel. Picture courtesy of Marian Novak (thanks!). Click image for full size picture.
Lynn Spellman in her wheelchair on the chapel lawn. Click image for full size picture. JG adjusting his camera before taking the picture at left of Lynn Spellman. Picture courtesy of Marian Novak (thanks!). Click image for full size picture. View from the lawn of the chapel looking towards the north-northeast.  Click image for full size picture. The ice cream social on the lawn outside the chapel. Click image for full size picture.
The ice cream social on the lawn outside the chapel. A second picture. Click image for full size picture. The ice cream social on the lawn outside the chapel. A third picture. Click image for full size picture. Father Harry, Lynn Spellman, and Sidney Spellman on the Chapel Lawn.  Click image for full size picture. Father Harry Winter, Lynn Spellman (hidden), and Sidney Spellman (Lynn's brother-in-law) on the Chapel Lawn. Click image for full size picture.

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